This list encapsulates my chosen things and then after there is some added in that the class came up with.
- An understanding of how the professional industry works
- How to go about selecting the correct brief
- How to go about designing for a brief that benefits me but also sticks to the brief
- Learning how to enter competitions in the correct manner
- Learning how to work with a client
- Carefully selecting the briefs that i will most enjoy
- A better understanding of networking and getting my work shown
- Stronger presentation of my work for clients
- To win competitions and earn money
- Who i am as a designer, what i want to produce
- Awareness of the industry
- Connections with clients and companies
- Motivation to get involved with work outside of uni
- Time management of multiple briefs
- Broadening my practice
- Distribution + Context, relation to production
- To win things
- Portfolio development
After this we were then asked to write down at least 10 things why we chose the briefs that we had, this list again has my own and the classes suggestions in it.
- My age range, so i should have a better understanding
- What I'm interested in
- Chance to look at different production methods
- Is a short brief
- Interesting concept
- Will make me think
- Get me back into using type
- Has a lot of scope, variety of products
- Get to look at packaging
- Focusing on my strengths, but also a chance to step out my comfort zone
- Social and ethical issues
- You get paid
- Realistic deadlines
- Will miss out if the deadline isn't met, real deadlines
- Free to enter
- International recognition
Next we were put into groups and we were set a task to answer questions about a brief from last year given out my DNAD.
The brief we were given was about cycling on EuroSport.
At first we thought that these briefs provided us with very detailed information.
And so Fred gave us the questions.
First four questions
- What is the problem they have? Its not British enough, when you say Euro Sport you dont think British, There is competition from itv, they have more of the viewers
- What is the brief asking you to do ? 30 second TV spot , using branding they will provide.
- What is the brief trying to achieve? Give the audience a reason to choose Eurosport over ITV
- Who will benefit ? Eurosport
Second group of questions.
- What is the message ? That Eurosport is the home of cycling and the best sports channel
- Who is the audience - 18-55 year olds , hardcore cycling fans sports fans male and female
- How will the message be delivered ? A TV spot
- Can you forsee a problem with this ? ITV is more viewed, also any views who see the advert will already be watching EuroSport, so new viewers they want to try and get will never see the advert
After this exercise we realised even though everyone's briefs were different we all had similar answers we realised :
- The briefs weren't as specific as we first thought.
- The companies are in a spot of bother and need cheap work done for them fast
- They get us to do it for a cheap price because we don't know better
- They create the student briefs because its easier and cheaper than going to a professional Design Company
- They will always benefit
- Despite this they are all good for experience
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