Below is my initial design for the OCD car parts logo, i firstly looked at different parts of the car and i came across the disk brakes that are some cars, so i used this circle to make the shape of the counters in the letters OCD, i feel the logo doesn't quite look right and doesn't flow properly.
So after that i then moved the C closer to the D to change the logo to this shown below, i feel it not flows a lot stronger and works better as a logo.
Then because one of the mandatory requirements was to have OCD Tuning in the logo i started to experiment with different type that could go under the logo i had made.
I then settled with the typeface futura which i thought worked best with my logo and it had that edge but still maintained a higher quality look to it. I then started to put different backgrounds behind it to show what it might look like on a poster or business card.
Mocked up logo
I have mocked up the logo i have created so to give reference to where it may be seen and how it can be used in different colours and finishes.
Silver foil mock up
After entering this it was eliminated because it looked too much like another logo, which when i had seen it, i agreed, so i then created the one shown below.
This then also got eliminated because it wasn't 'original' enough, which i feel was weird when all the other entries looked reasonably similar.
Throughout creating and entering this competition this project i learned that its very hard to create a logo, despite the simplicity of them they have very hard to portray a whole company in a very small amount of shapes/type. I also found that these competitions on the particular website had designs that were all very similar, as if someone created a logo which was then copied by everyone after it. I think this competition helped because i had 3 days to turn it around so it made me work fast, and although my first logo looked like an already existing logo i HADN'T seen i think it looked good and did exactly what it was supposed to in providing the company with a logo that said what they wanted.
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