Is used mainly for print
Many similarities between photoshop and illustrator
When printing for example something that is A5 it is printed on a A4 piece of paper, with the recommended bleed of 3mm, this then allows room when cutting with no white border and the perfect paper size.
Firstly we opened a new document,
This then took us to this screen shown below,
I then pressed more options so i could change some vital aspects of the document.
This then brought up the bleed and slug option, changing the bleed option allows the colours to extend off the page so when it comes to cutting the document out there wont be any white border and it will be the exact size. The recommended bleed is 3mm.
The image below is what is then brought up after pressing OK. The red line around the outside shows the bleed line and the black line is the actual paper size.
This then can be seen when you click on the Pages sign on the left of the screen. These can then be altered or deleted.
A useful way to get the layout of your work correct is to use guides, you can select the number of rows and columns you want and then the distance between theses these (gutter).
Next we created a text box and then went on type, fill with placeholder text, this then fills the text box with random words that make no sense. This gives you an idea of how text might look within the box.
Next we inserted some text, done by going on file, place and then selecting the text.
With illustrator theres only a few things that need to be taken into account because it works with vectors the resolution can be anything.
We then placed a image done the same way as placing text. The image can then be changed size or moved around using the circle in the centre.
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