Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Design for print Inital ideas

Produce an approriately designed 'info-pack' of things to know, consider or remember in order to produce successful Design for Print. You should use the seminars and tasks from the module as a starting point for your own individual/independent investigation of the methods, processes and formats that can be used to create innovative but practical solutions to print based design briefs and all aspects of print- based delivery.
For submission and assessment you will also be required to select, summarise and evaluate appropriate primary & secondary source material and submit it in an appropriately designed and produce graphic format that reflects your cretaive and technical appreciation of graphic design.  Your submission should demonstrate your understanding of print processes, conventions and creative options from the perspective of a graphic designer. It should also demonstrates your ability to effectively organise and present a body information in a designed format. As well as presenting your resolution you should  upload a multi page pdf version to your Design Practice & Design Context blog via 'Issuu'. See additional briefings for further information.
Background / Considerations
You are graphic designers, everything you produce should be designed, considered and effective. You need to be in complete control, even if it's carefully arranged to look casual! Don't ignore your knowledge of layout but expand upon it! The content should be ordered and informative with clear example of what you mean, the style your own, derived from the study of the work of other designers.

Commercial print processes are of concern to you especially as, at times, you will have to relinquish the hands –on production control of your work for a more specification/managerial role.

  • Your research will be informed by the seminars delivered as part of the module but how much more can you find out?
  • What do you need to know about print production and what is relevant to your own practice?
  • How do you communicate your research in a way that is reflective of your creative ambitions.
  • Your considered opinion is important. You should use appropriate examples of professional creative practice in order to demonstrate your breadth and depth of understanding.


Initial ideas 

These are my intial ideas for the print based project

Some ideas i had first was to produce a pack that contained things that were to folded up in some way and when they were taken out they popped up to reveal something about print. I also thought about making posters that gave information about print in the form of infographics. One of my most favorite ideas was creating print manuals that tell the viewer step by step how to do that process and to go with it to have a stock book that they could rip pages out of. So i then started to look into stock and different ways things could be packaged, different binding techniques, folding techniques. 

Some initial sketches that i first drew just coming up with some packaging ideas for ways that my publications could be packaged together, forming a 'pack'.  


 The one above  i feel is a strong idea where by it is a folded piece of paper that can contain different flat things such as publications. It would fold out into an interesting shape. The drawing on the right again folds up but this time into something that could be hung somewhere.

This was a quick drawing of how i wanted the stock book to maybe look 

I think because  i want the pages to be able to be ripped out then a ring bind would be best suite to this and the amount of paper as well would be very thick so a ring bind would allow there to be a lot of paper. 

Mini Crit

I then took these inital ideas and some research to a crit. I explained how i wanted to create something that wasnt just boring information that is not likely to get read or used, such as information on print itself, i wanted to create something that when it was given to the person they could take it down to the print room and follow each step and also actually physically use the publication and they would also have a stock book that would accompany the publications where they could rip out the choice of stock they wanted. 


Some feedback i received was that it ambitious to think i could do the 6 publications i was intending to do and the stock book so i should maybe narrow it down to 4. Another piece of feedback was on the stock was to put what the stock is on the bottom of it. I was also told to maybe cater the publications and the stock book to LCA so i could use the stock they provide.   

So after this min crit i decided to nail down what i was going to do and devise the concept.


I will produce 4 publications that will be provided to first year students to give them a step by step guide on how to do 4 processes of print, giving them simple instructions and the benefits of each process. The publications will give the audience an interactive way to print and give them simple but serious instrctions.  Provided with this will also be stock book which will be associated with LCA and they will be able to use the stock within it, this provides again something interactive but is also helpful.

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