Produce designs for a set of three high impact posters that deliver a personal identified message derived from your research.
The three posters should work as a set or series and be visually consistent. The first must be produced solely using type, the second solely with image and the third a combination of both type and image.
Background and information
Focus on what you are trying to say and avoid generalisation and vague messages.
Keep it simple and to the point.
Are you making a statement, delivering facts or posing a question?
You should consider and investigate a broad range of possible visual solutions before making your design decisions.
Tone of voice
Memorable, immediate high impact and clear.
Challenging, potentially controversial but appropriate and not offensive.
Factual, statistical, informed and specific.
Mandatory requirements
each poster must be supported by comprehensive visual research into frame format, composition and content.
You are restricted to the use of two colours plus stock.
Three posters (2:1 format) presented at A3 scale (but not A3 format)
To create these posters i firstly had to decide on the message we wanted to show through them, to do this i posed to myself some questions that might help,
What statement/fact/question am i intending to communicate?
The benefits of cycling and the dangers.
What is the tone?
Serious tone, factual, intended to explain and educate
Who is my audience?
People who may want to take up cycling, middle ages/students
Firstly i started off by generating a few ideas, drawing ideas that came straight into my head because we only had one week to complete this task. These were my first few initial ideas, the top one was to represent where the most popular cycling areas were in the world, this would be shown by a small circle where it wasn't so popular, a bigger circle for where its more popular ect. The image of the three posters portrait next to each other was an idea to have all my posters working as one, this could be hard though as one has to be just type. The person was an idea to have health benefits around the the image pointing to the relevant part of the body, e.g increase legs muscles would point to his leg. The image at the bottom is contrasting how expensive travelling by transport is compared to using a bike. The one of the right is similar to the person poster, having facts and benefits around the man on the bike.
I think the ideas where i have used a fact about cycling and just a simple image are the most effective. Because they are so simple but the message is clear and can be easily seen quickly.

I then added the horizontal lines so there was distinguished sections to the poster, so that the type and image was clearly separated. I also felt it provided a stronger layout then what it was before.
I next started to look at just image ideas, this i struggled with because it is hard to get across a fact or piece of information without any text, but i started off drawing some quick thumbnails.
After choosing my favorite design i started to create it on illustrator, using the same bike as before i duplicated it a number of times forming the shape of the Netherlands. After this i then removed the image to reveal the shape left behind.
This was my final design for the poster that can only contain image. The cycles form the shape of the Netherlands, this is supposed to describe the fact that they are the nation that cycles the most. The poster has a strong impact and stands out, but if people didn't know the shape of the country they may not realize what is being described. That is why i placed the flag in the corner, but this then doesn't fit the brief because more than 2 colours and stock is being used, so i am going to remove that and just leave the shape.
Text poster
For my text posters i wanted to try and get a lot of facts and figures on so it could be read easily and quickly. Like the previous posters i started off with some thumb nail sketches that i quickly drew to get some ideas going.
After these sketches i created this first poster, it doesn't work at all really, there is way too much information and there is more than 2 colors used and it feels slightly flat because there isn't much distinction between the small text and the larger text.
After that i then created this one, where i have got rid of some of the information so it becomes easier to read, i have also changed the typeface to italic to give it some movement seeing as cycling can be a fast paced moving sport. I think it now has a better composition and isn't as flat.
I then changed some of the type to have a orange outline to give it more definition, i also changed the lines that are between the type making them all the same size so the viewers eye isn't distracted by larger circles/dashes.
Overall i feel i have produced a strong set of posters that have a high impact when looked upon. The aspects that i think are strongest are, the choice of orange and grey that compliment each other well, also the body of research that was collected as it provided me with a vast amount of interesting facts and information. I also think the imagery used has been done in a smart and interesting way that is easily understandable and the message is clear on 2 posters. Things that could be improved are that there maybe too much information on the type poster so people may not take in all the information when looked at for a small period of time, also the image poster may not have a clear message unless a lot of people knew what the Netherlands looked like, so that could be altered to become more clear. Overall i feel that i have produced a set of poster that have a strong visual impact.
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