Wednesday, 26 September 2012

How to...


As a group of students you are to  identify a problem from your individual research and provide an answer to it.  

The question our group had been given to resolve was, 'How to maintain a healthy lifestyle being a new student on a budget'


Who needs to know? 1st year students 
What/Why do they need to know? To keep fit and healthy, making the most of university life. 
How will you tell them? Through the use of info graphics creating a visual representation of the information and data that we collect! 
The work we produce will help to educate and inform the audience on maintaining a healthy lifestyle on a budget. 

To start we created a mind map and answered the questions shown above, we decided to split the question into 3 sections, achieve a healthy lifestyle, maintaining that lifestyle and sticking to a budget, to make the question more manageable and easier to understand. 
We then also came up with a few ideas that we thought could help answer the question. 

Next we assigned each other tasks to carry out, mostly to gather research so we could put together some ideas the next day. The research consisted of, food prices, alcohol units, healthy lifestyle definition, activities/gyms, to go to/take part in, smoking/ drugs and budgeting. 

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